Pastor Chirag and Lauren Lambert
Chirag Lambert was born in India. He moved to the US after high school and met Lauren at Mid-Atlantic Christian University. He has been actively involved in ministry since he was sixteen. He has been in Church leadership through preaching and leading worship in many churches in Virginia and North Carolina. Lauren is a native of Currituck County, NC. Outside of the Church, they also run their faith based Real Estate Firm together.
Kingdom Church was not only their calling, it was all they talked about since they met. They carry a strong passion and burden for people far from Christ. They envision a vibrant, full of life, diverse Church that transcends cultural and racial boundaries.
When they’re not at Church they can be found in the gym, their office or eating Indian food! They have a house full of fur-babies: 4 cats, 2 dogs, 5 horses, a donkey and 3 highland cows! They genuinely love people and are just a visit or a phone call away.