New Here?
We are a new non-denominational Church with people of all ages building a vibrant community to change lives in our city. Join us on Sundays @ 9:30 AM. We can’t wait to meet you!
Our Vision
We love the Church! See what drives us to be the Church that will change lives in Chesapeake.
Our Beliefs
Kingdom Church exists so people far from God can meet their Creator and have a relationship with Him. Our beliefs are deeply and firmly rooted in Scripture.
Meet our Pastors: Chirag and Lauren Lambert.

EmpowHER Women's Devo Nights
Join us Thursday evenings in person or online @ 6:00 PM! Empower exists for ladies to connect on a weekly basis to work towards becoming the women of God we are called to be. We will be discovering our purpose in Christ, recognizing the opportunities around us while promoting wellness in walking together through all that life brings.
Join us Sundays at 9:30 AM
501 Kempsville Rd, Chesapeake, VA 23320
Next to the Egg Bistro
Connect with us!
Ready to Take the Next Step?
Plan a Visit!
We understand that visiting for the first time can be stressful, especially if you don't know anyone. We want you to feel comfortable and worship without any worry! You can plan your visit, and we will save you a seat and see you at the door to welcome you HOME.